[[{“value”:”” We’ve also passed that message back to Hamas through the appropriate channels.” The first article on Frontpage Mag was entitled Biden Admin Personally...
[[{“value”:”” Dissent is the highest form of patriotism” The post Do We Know What Signs are on Justice Sotomayor’s Lawn? second appeared on Frontpage...
[[{“value”:”A bigoted speech. The post Biden to NAACP:” DE I tonight, DEI today, DEI permanently”. second appeared on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:” A racist speech. The...
[[{“value”:”Is this what the progressive movements of the American Left want to produce? Salman Rushdie: A Arab State Would Be Hamas appeared first on...
[[{“value”:”It has become abundantly clear over the past few months that British beef and its producers face multiple threats. Prices for food and other...
[[{“value”:” Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom in order to motivate and enlighten us. Rob’s Free Will Astrology is a syndicated column...
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