Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US News

UPDATED: Well, She’s still there, and as for these two fellows … well … looks like she got the last laugh in the long run...


Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs became the lastest Republican to draw articles of impeachment against Joe Biden. Gibbs had a laundry list of reasons he...

Government Corruption

On Fox News’s “The Ingraham Angle,”  Wednesday, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) addressed the General Mark Milley controversy. Milley reportedly communicated with the Chinese communist...

Cover Ups

Gen. Mark Milley is facing some very serious allegations after a new book claimed the General undermined a sitting president and buddies up to...


Will Mitch come to the rescue? Once again The Treasury Department has predicted that the U.S. will run out of money, this time in...


One of the selling points the Biden campaign tried to use against President Trump, was that the US needed a grandpa Joe who could...

Government Corruption

On Thursday, President Joe Biden revealed his unconstitutional plan to mandate unvaccinated Americans to get vaccinated as a way of getting the country out...

Liberal Derangement

In the weeks leading up to Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban, President Joe Biden and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani – who has since run...


It is hard to imagine that our post-Vietnam nation’s government would leave Afghanistan, abandoning US citizens and Afghans who assisted our military in fighting...

Government Corruption

When Joe Biden authorized the full pullout from Afghanistan, he overruled all of his top generals. This should not surprise anyone because the last...

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