Search results for "nancy pelosi"

Liberal Derangement

It is now official. Gavin Newsom will face a recall election this year. I could be wrong but I think it will Nancy Pelosi,...

US News

Tucker Carlson was on a roll on his Wednesday broadcast. He theorized that federal law enforcement aided in the planning of January 6th. If...

Government Corruption

According to a report, freshman Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) has been barred from joining the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The CBC has been impeding...

Donald Trump

Remember when the Fake News media told all of America that President Donald Trump fired tear gas on innocent peaceful protesters just for a...

Donald Trump

There seems to be more good news for Trump supporters regarding audits of the highly controversial and fraud-riddled 2020 Presidential election. A delegation from...

Cover Ups

Observers at the Windham, NH audit have seen some things that seem to be very curious. It may be ignorance or it could be...

Cover Ups

Syndicated Via National File| PATRICK HOWLEY| Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan and other Republicans on the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees are now officially...

US Politics

The Gateway Pundit’s Larry Johnson reported: ‘Last week Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer lashed out at Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (aka MTG) after...

Cover Ups

Observers at the Windham, NH audit have seen some things that seem to be very curious. It may be ignorance or it could be...

Government Corruption

Both Philip Stark, Ph.D. and Barbara Simons, Ph.D., the board chair of Verified Voting and also a member of George Soros’ elite Democracy Alliance Board, are both current appointees...

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