Search results for "cnn"


The Republican Party was working on claims that had been repeatedly debunked — and even certified by the Trump administration as Russian propaganda in...


Bill Barr is not a fan of Donald Trump, the man he accused in the Oval Office of betraying him. The former attorney general,...


Dean, a former White House Counsel for the Nixon Administration, said that former President Trump’s offer to testify at his New York hush-money trial...


Joe Biden escaped from his basement today and appeared on The Howard Stern Show for a puff piece interview. He was almost wholly unquestioned...


Jake Tapper, CNN’s Jake Schultz, said: “That brings back all the bad memories about that problem.”  Jim Schultz told CNN’s Jake Tapper,” That really...


According to reports, the overall fertility rate in the United States is at its lowest level in a century. A new report indicates that...


Ty Cobb, a former White House attorney, suggested on Wednesday that Rudy Guiliani had “sold his own soul” to protect the former President Trump...


Timothy Parlatore is an ex-attorney of former President Trump. In an interview on Monday, Parlatore said that he believes Trump’s chances of conviction will...


CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked Tim Parlatore whether he thought his former client would testify in the hush-money trial.  Tim Parlatore’s onetime client was questioned...


Bill Maher appears to be red-pilling at least half in real time. Which is funny because his show is n’t called” Real Time”? Last...

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