Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US News

Mitch McConnell Stabbed Trump in the back with that unbelievable Wall Street Journal Opinion editorial. The piece, which RINO Cocaine Mitch basically lays down...


Donald Trump questioned the integrity of an election that defied odds and logic, so the Democrat want to make sure he can never hold...

Liberal Derangement

If anyone were ever to ask my advice about whether or not they should go on mainstream media TV to express a favorable opinion...

Government Corruption

This is one of those rare moments where the false confidence that the occupying regime exudes, always gaslighting the public with false bravado, wears...


Just in case you needed more signs that the country is being torn apart by inept and incompetent, kleptocratic Democrats, take a look at...

Government Corruption

For those confused souls out there who are yet to figure out that EVERYTHING the Democrats say is 180 degrees the opposite of what...

US Politics

Could you imagine for just a second if this was Matt Gaetz, accusing Hillary Clinton, when she was a Senator, of sending people to...

Donald Trump

Trump’s impeachment lawyer Bruce Castor has revealed part of the defense that will be made on behalf of the president and believe me, it’s...

US Politics

The Democrats have underestimated the BLM movement. They thought they could use them and then toss them aside as they have with Stormy Daniels,...


FLASHBACK: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s un-American comments and her proclivity to insult American military troops just went to 11 on the BS Meter. It seems...

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