Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US Politics

This is going to be very upsetting to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer as well as a dozen other Democrats who since...

US Politics

The Sunday morning talk shows were ablaze with announcements from Betsy DeVos, the United States Secretary of Education, who destroyed the plans of Democrats...

US Politics

Joe Biden admits he will throw the constitution and the 7-2 opinion of the Supreme Court out the window in order to harass the...

US Politics

Opinion| Lawrence David| Despite the media’s narrative engineer’s exaltations that their Marxist heroes Nancy Pelosi, Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff, et al., that the Supreme...

US Politics

Democrats have no morals and they put in their best effort to prove that day in and day out. Let’s look at the candidate...


Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell says that the reason he quit drinking the Democrat’s Kool-Aid was that they are total hypocrites. No kidding? Terrell...

US Politics

By now it shouldn’t surprise you that CNN will say and do anything to trash president Donald Trump. Thursday night during his CNN show...

US Politics

Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr., recently in a podcast interview, said Democrats are making it simple for Republicans this November and that a...

US Politics

On Monday night, President Donald Trump walked to the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church, located just steps away from the White House across Lafayette...

US Politics

MSNBC(DNC) host Chris Hayes accused President Donald Trump of committing “jihad” against mail-in voting that’s becoming “dangerous” and “insidious.” What’s dangerous and insidious is a...

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