Search results for "nancy pelosi"

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  On the off chance that you are not familiar with Mr. Gaetz … Matt is a Congressman who represents the 1st...

Cover Ups

Former vice president and Democratic 2020 hopeful Joe Biden began to backtrack his recent announcement that he would refuse to comply with a subpoena...


Brent Bozell and Tim Graham have picked their winners and losers for 2019. There may be a couple of more days to go in...

US News

So, did you think that now that House Democrats have “impeached” President Trump that things would chill out any? Since Nancy Pelosi is still...

US News

The Washington Free Beacon has created a video of the worst lies and predictions from the hosts and guests on MSNBC. I don’t see...

Cover Ups

For what Democrats kept telling voters was a “sad and somber” moment in American history, House Democrats clapped and celebrated after they passed two...


Democratic New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew informed his staff on Saturday that he plans to leave the Democratic party and his plan is...


OPINION| Lawrence David| Yesterday, the Supreme Court granted the petition by President Trump’s legal team for a writ of certiorari.  The high court confirmed...

Donald Trump

OPINION| Lawrence David| Yesterday, the Supreme Court granted the petition by President Trump’s legal team for a writ of certiorari.  The high court confirmed...

US News

While everyone is focusing on the “Ooh, look!  A squirrel!” impeachment show, Congress just passed a massive amnesty bill. On Wednesday, the House passed...

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