The Republican-controlled Congress has indicated that they could sabotage the President’s plan to reopen a bridge using federal funds. Republicans in Congress have indicated...
A new bill would rename Mar-a-Lago, the closest prison to the resort, after the Republican candidate for president. The closest prison to Mar-a-Lago would...
The United States doesn’t help Israel defend itself. It helps Israel murder tens and thousands of civilians. The United States is n’t helping Israel...
Larissa Truchan, a contributor to the article, writes that the United Nations cannot allow governments and media to misinterpret its research in order to...
Politics are typically covered here, but politics also affects …YOU and ME! And our pocketbooks. Great league. But, while we’re covering politics, we occasionally...
A DC kangaroo court convicted a 72-year-old grandmother in America, according to a report we provided yesterday. Her crime? Praying at the US Capitol...
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