Search results for "cnn"


[[{“value”:”On Thursday, Colorado Attorney Jason Murray made his Supreme Court debut on behalf of six Colorado voters who filed a lawsuit to prevent Trump...


[[{“value”:”All nine Justices of the Supreme Court expressed some degree of skepticism regarding the court’s decision to remove Trump from the national ballot in...


David Axelrod of CNN, who was an advisor to the Obama administration during his tenure, has criticized the efforts by some states to keep...


[[{“value”:”In the pointless GOP Nevada primary on Tuesday night, Nikki Haley was humiliated. Haley was still unable to win because Donald Trump was not...


[[{“value”:”Sebastián Piera, a past president of Chile, perished on Tuesday in an airplane accident. Piera, 74, served as the nation’s president from 2010 to...


20 Senate Republicans voiced opposition to the shameful’ nonpartisan’ border deal unveiled Sunday. The bill allocates$ 20 billion for border security, but also divvies$...


Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 on the notion that Trump’s immigration policies were “moral failures and a national disgrace.” Now he is...


In an interview with CNN’s “Inside Politics Sunday,” Santos told Manu Raju that he would not vote for either Democratic candidate Tom Suozzi, a…...


Al Gore, the former vice president, said that Democrats should respect supporters of former President Trump. He suggested they are using him as a...


Haley, playing a “concerned South Carolina voter,” stood up in the mock audience during a fake CNN Town Hall with Trump — played… Haley,...

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