Search results for "nancy pelosi"


Opinion by Dean James at Right Wing Tribune – Cummings called Baltimore ‘drug infested,’ residents ‘zombies,’ in resurfaced video. While Democrats are losing their...

US Politics

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina and usually an ally of President Trump, defended Trump’s contention that merely talking with people,...

US Politics

OPINION| Democratic Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono has claimed that “a new impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump would help Americans visualize the Mueller report’s...

US Politics

Opinion| Attorney General William Barr recently compared his arrival at the Department of Justice to what soldiers dealt with prior to D-Day. “As we’ve...

US News

Opinion| On Friday, Democratic House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York stated that he feels there is due cause to start impeachment...

Liberal Derangement

Opinion| Michigan Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib, well known for her vitriolic anti-Trump rhetoric, appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” this past Sunday. During her...


Opinion| On Monday, President Trump slammed Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib and her allies over their calls for impeachment. “Impeach for what, having created perhaps...

Donald Trump

The number of Americans who believe that President Donald Trump has the “personality and leadership qualities a president should have” has increased

US News

Opinion| President Trump sent out a tweet on Thursday evening which included a Lou Dobbs video compilation of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stuttering...


A CBS News poll found that more than half of Americans, almost 60 percent, are tired of hearing about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia...

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