The Biden campaign will launch a national program to engage and mobilize Latinos voters on Tuesday, coinciding President Biden’s visit to Nevada and Arizona....
While he is in Nevada, President Biden will call on Congress to approve his budget, which includes $258 billion for housing investments. The president...
During Koch-funded mountain resort trips, Trump judges discussed a new strategy for advancing “history and traditions” as the law. Trump judges gathered over a...
[[{“value”:”In your opinion, the First Amendment severely hampered the government. Second on Frontpage Mag, the Supreme Court Decided First Amendment to be Null and...
[[{“value”:”What hate crimes committed by AI? The first article on Frontpage Mag was entitled” Anti-Racism Training Fails Cure AI of Racism.””}]] [[{“value”:” What hate crimes...
[[{“value”:”Additionally, specialized runways. The article It Takes the World’s Largest Plane to Deliver Green Energy Wind Turbine Blades second appeared on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:” There...
[[{“value”:”” That’s just nonsense”. The first post Biden Admin denies and confirms that it does n’t want to depose Hamas was originally published on...
[[{“value”:”An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 made its windshield crack on Sunday night during the most recent Boeing incident at Portland International Airport. While descending,...
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