Search results for "cnn"


The rotating door between the” goal media” and partisan politics has no alarm among today’s media elites. Politics appears to be more of a...


The Maui fires have been blamed on global warming by politicians, the media, and environmentalists for the previous week. The greatest cause of so...


I’m re-running the video interview that we first posted last week because I only watched it once and still find it hard to believe....


This is one of the earliest videos I’ve seen, and I had been expecting to see videos like this pop up. Straight on cue...


That is how you can tell if it has too much influence. The Israeli parliament passed a law stating that leftist criminal activists on...


If just the Biden administration had combated illegal immigration as vehemently as Texas does. Since Texas intervened after the Biden administration turned CBP into...


What was the true” trigger” for Mohamad Barakat, the Muslim terrorist who planned to kill many Americans at a local fair before stopping to...


While the grid is being moved away from dependable energy sources like oil, coal, and gas to ultimately uncertain ones like wind and solar,...


When Republicans are attacked, the media believes in press freedom. When it is used to challenge Democrats, it transforms into false information, misinformation, destructive...


Even if no one can accurately define what governments are for, they are all but impossible to undo once they have been established. Consider...

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