Nikki Haley, Republican presidential candidate, responded to the news that former President Trump was ordered to pay $83.3 Million in damages for his defamation...
Nikki Haley, Republican presidential candidate, responded to the news that former President Trump was ordered to pay $83.3 Million in damages for his defamation...
Customs and Border Protection of the United States (CBP) confirmed a total of 302,034 encounters on the southern border of the country in December...
Human rights advocates are concerned that the new crackdown against violence will be too harsh. Advocates for human rights worry that the fresh violence...
Robert Garcia (D, Calif.) pressed for action from the Pentagon in a letter he sent earlier this week regarding veterans discharged under Don’t Ask,...
The Department of Justice and the State of New York have signed a workplace agreement after the Biden Administration found that former New York...
Former Los Angeles City Councilmember Jose Huizar received a 13-year prison sentence Friday in a corruption case involving cash bribes paid to a local...
Dan Hanlon, who recently left Mace’s office after about two years, filed paperwork Friday with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to challenge Mace in...
Mulvaney, the former White House chief of Staff, said that he was astonished by Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.’s) decision to support former President Trump...
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, criticized President Biden’s decision to pause approvals for some natural gas export installations, saying that the announcement “makes absolutely no...