Search results for "cnn"

US Politics

Blues // John Hinderaker Typically the Ny Times contains a lengthy piece on Philip Licht’ s brief nevertheless troubled tenure as the BOSS of...

US Politics

Agonistes [Updated] // John Hinderaker Elon Musk has suspended the Facebook accounts regarding six Democratic Party agents from CNN, the New You are able...

US Politics

omy of Fraud // (John Hinderaker). Ledge Sims was the Deputy Overseer of National Intelligence regarding Strategy and Communications inside the Trump administration. He...

US Politics

the credits roll // (Scott Johnson). “The playbook for the laptop” contains a four-and-a half minute movie ” The video compiles movies — mostly...

US Politics

out on the COP27 // (Scott Johnson). One can possibly only hope that the huge news out of COP-27 inside Sharm el-Sheikh is yet...

US Politics

The stock response in the NFL is “next man up” when a player is hurt. Similar trends are being observed in the liberal media....

US Politics

ght for the day: Joel Kotkin on Midterm // (Steven Hayward). Glad to see Joel Kotkin, a former progressive, thinks as I do about...

US Politics

Bloomberg News, a pro-China outlet, attempted to defame Twitter CEO Elon Muss by portraying him to be a threat to the United States. “Mister...

US Politics

Despite the fact that GOP victories in midterms were limited by poor-quality candidates, Republicans were set for control of the House and could still...

US Politics

In a Wednesday press conference, President Biden stated that he would make no changes after Tuesday’s midterm election results failed to produce a Republican...

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