Search results for "cnn"

Cover Ups

It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that Joe Biden could not even fill 40 ‘circles’ days before the election while President...

Government Corruption

History not only repeats itself, it rhymes too. The Democrats have a few ‘go to’ plays that they like to call when things get...

Barack Obama

THIS, ladies and gentlemen is why you never pay the pirate. The Democrats and their button men, women and ‘others’ in the media want...

Liberal Derangement

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has announced that he is suing Twitter for defamation of character after they banned his account over videos catching...

Government Corruption

The Democrats are shaking in their boots because Republicans have been picking up a much larger share of the Hispanic votes than ever before....

US Politics

With nothing to lose, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene has found herself in a position of power because she is not aligned with either party...

Government Corruption

Could you imagine, even for a second, if President Trump had gotten the border so hard wrong that 170,000 unaccompanied kids where in cages,...

National File

Syndicated Via National File| NATHANIEL LINDERMAN| In an op-ed written in the Washington Post on Wednesday, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has promised to preserve...

US Politics

Here is another reason I can not, in good conscience, believe a single word the media reports.  They always have an agenda … ALWAYS....

US Politics

A Sky News reporter has taken Joe Biden to the woodshed over his massive cognitive decline. During the Trump administration CNN and other fake...

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