Search results for "cnn"


Ask anyone (who does not watch CNN or MSNBC) what Joe Biden’s mental state is and I guarantee you they express concerns. It’s beyond...

US News

I’m sure you have heard the saying ‘Don’t California my Texas’ … well today those of us living in Florida are screaming ‘don’t blue...

Mainstream Media Lies

It seems like the Democrats gleefully used an alleged quote from President Trump to smear him with. Of course the quote was a lie...

Donald Trump

ICYMI, we all know who the real Donald J. Trump is! | If one were only to watch the television, getting all their information...

Personal Safety

We knew things on the border is bad but not in my wildest dreams could I imagine what is really happening on the border....

Liberal Derangement

Little has changed since the Civil War, which resulted in the freeing of the Democrat’s black slaves. Still to this very day there are...

Cover Ups

I don’t know about you, but I am not a big fan of Dr. Fauci.  The man is straight out of Central Casting for...


Do you miss Trump yet?  I know, me too.  However, just in case you didn’t … check this out. He’s not done with the...

US Politics

Peter Lucido, the Macomb County prosecutor, told that he is limited say6s that Gretchen Whitmer could face criminal charges if it can be...

Illegal Immigration

In February alone, the first full month of the Biden regime over 100,0000 illegals was detained at the border, many of them have already...

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