Search results for "cnn"


The Cuomo Crime Family is finally starting to be torn down.  While it took Rudy Giuliani and the RICO statutes to take down the...

US News

President Trump finally poke publicly about the terrible events of January the 6th that the media has been using non stop to try and blame...

Liberal Derangement

Washington DC has fallen.  Just looking at the standing army, walls, razor wire and now, plans for even more fortifications, one would be hard...


By now, everyone has heard that President Donald J. Trump will make an appearance at CPAC next weekend in Orland, Florida. The announcement of...


I know you are not allowed to say this aloud in 2021 in the United States, or anywhere in the world for that matter,...

Liberal Derangement

I’m sure you will be ‘shocked’ to learn that the leftist media, the one that seems to be 100% under the thumb of the...


It has gotten so bad for New York governor Andrew Cuomo that now even AOC wants him investigated. But the question I have is...


First I want to express my condolences to the families and those who lost their lives today in this senseless act of violence. Next,...

US Politics

Progressive Democratic New York Assemblyman Ron Kim told CNN on Wednesday that Andrew Cuomo threatened to destroy him if he refused to help him...


If there is one thing to be said for socialists, it is that they are very generous … with YOUR MONEY. For illustration of...

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