Search results for "cnn"


Progressive Democratic New York Assemblyman Ron Kim told CNN on Wednesday that Andrew Cuomo threatened to destroy him if he refused to help him...

Liberal Derangement

Imagine being so obsessed with maintaining your power that you are willing to condone the slaughter of innocent people, based on their religion, as...

US Politics

If you are still on Facebook and have not signed up for Spreely (or Parler/Gab when they comes back) you are helping feed the...

US Politics

Everyday when I sit down at this computer I can’t help but stop to think … how the heck did we end up here?...

Liberal Derangement

If there is one thing you can count on politicians to do, it’s lie.  It’s been a meme in society for decades, everyone knows...

Cover Ups

ICYMI| Now, I wonder why the media ignored this one …. can you guess? Except for serving as scapegoats, the question arises, do white...


Just in case you needed more signs that the country is being torn apart by inept and incompetent, kleptocratic Democrats, take a look at...


A crook is a crook is a crook is a crook. There are certain people that just can not help themselves, they are willing...

US Politics

Every time I am reminded that the United States Congresses impeachment of President Trump is actually going to trial in the Senate while Trump...

Liberal Derangement

Via AFF| This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. Even though the number of new COVID cases...

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