Search results for "cnn"

Government Corruption

Every time I see this man, Mitt Romney, a guy straight out of Central Casting for ‘silver spoon white guy who is so out...

Donald Trump

Opinion| President Donald Trump schooled the reportedly “brilliant” Democratic leadership yesterday… House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer… on how politics...

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump gave a dire warning during a speech about an executive order on prescription drugs that has many scratching their heads. The...

US Politics

The Sunday morning talk shows were ablaze with announcements from Betsy DeVos, the United States Secretary of Education, who destroyed the plans of Democrats...

US Politics

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  The current, radical leftist Democrat Mayor of the District of Criminals, or as you may know it, Washington D.C. has found...

US Politics

#Breaking Radical wing of protesters in Keystone South Dakota have blocked the main road leading to #MountRushmore For more live updates follow @RSBNetwork Live...

US Politics

People from around the world must look at some of our policies, in the name of humanitarian concerns, and say, how stupid can the...

US Politics

Opinion|  When a peaceful protest, which each and every human being is entitled to express themselves, goes wrong and become violent, often leading to...

US Politics

On Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had the gall to say “Republicans” in the US Senate are “trying to get away with …...

US Politics

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  I don’t know if you read the article I wrote the other day where I included a tweet from ‘race activist’/journalist...

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