Government Corruption Breaking: Democrats Disbar Rudy Giuliani! This Is Tyranny! This may very well be remembered as the moment that the left completely uncloaked and exposed itself as an absolute tyranny. The Gateway Pundit... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
Crime WARNING Graphic Video Shows Officer Being Fatally Shot At Point-Blank Range The police have finally released bodycam footage from an incident that happened on May 11th. In the video, it shows a police officer at... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
US News Bombshell Testimony: Dominion Ran Election …NOT The Government! Jan Bryant said back on November 30, 2020, that Maricopa County officials DID NOT RUN THE ELECTION! Dominion employees John and Bruce did. That... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
Government Corruption Breaking: Biden’s Brownshirts Snatched & Grabbed MAGA Grandmother, Today She Learned Her Fate The radical loony leftists who keep Twitter’s doors open are going to get their day in court so to speak as the first Trump-supporting,... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
US Politics Red Alert: Pelosi Announces She’s Building Terror Squad of Brown Shirts To Round Up Trump Supporters Just like when Adolph Hitler decided to go all in on his takeover of Germany and staged a terror attack to blame on his... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
Government Corruption New Data Shows Biden’s In DEEP Trouble Joe Biden’s approval numbers have been dropping steadily and some pollsters believe it will get a lot worse for him. “It’s not a good... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
US Politics Video: Chairman of Joint Chiefs Brags About Reading Mao, Marx & Lenin While Blaming ‘White Rage’ For 1/6 A mere 15 years ago or so I would never have, in a million years, thought that our military’s top brass would be bragging... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
Liberal Derangement Gavin Newsom In Deep S***, Now Facing Removal It is now official. Gavin Newsom will face a recall election this year. I could be wrong but I think it will Nancy Pelosi,... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
Government Corruption Video: A Nuclear Explosion of Evidence is Coming Out of AZ Audit Let’s talk frankly. The future of the republic hangs in the balance. The only real chance we have of stopping this Marxists, CCP lead,... Charles RobersonJune 24, 2021
US Politics Busted: Google’s Ties To Pandemic Exposed It is nearly unbelievable when you hear it, but it turns out to be true. Google and USAID funded an associate of the Wuhan lab... Charles RobersonJune 23, 2021