[[{“value”:”Vivek Ramaswamy was ruled out as a vice president by President Trump, according to a new report from Bloomberg. According to the report, Trump...
[[{“value”:”In your opinion, the First Amendment severely hampered the government. Second on Frontpage Mag, the Supreme Court Decided First Amendment to be Null and...
[[{“value”:”What hate crimes committed by AI? The first article on Frontpage Mag was entitled” Anti-Racism Training Fails Cure AI of Racism.””}]] [[{“value”:” What hate crimes...
[[{“value”:”Additionally, specialized runways. The article It Takes the World’s Largest Plane to Deliver Green Energy Wind Turbine Blades second appeared on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:” There...
[[{“value”:”” That’s just nonsense”. The first post Biden Admin denies and confirms that it does n’t want to depose Hamas was originally published on...
[[{“value”:”An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 made its windshield crack on Sunday night during the most recent Boeing incident at Portland International Airport. While descending,...
[[{“value”:”Next lies about it. The second article on Frontpage Mag was entitled The Biden Regime Invites Hamas-Linked CAIR to the White House.”}]] [[{“value”:” Then lie...
[[{“value”:”When a criminal justice system no longer treats the accused evenly as the law. The post Guilty! — But Never Really Guilty? second appeared...
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