Opinion| Judge Emmet Sullivan, presiding over the sentencing phase of Michael Flynn’s guilty plea, demanded the government to file on the public docket “the...
Opinion| Serious conversation between two adults steeped in the law. Rudy Giuliani joined Judge Jeanine Pirro last night to discuss recent statements by Attorney...
Kirsters Baish’s Opinion| Pop icon Taylor Swift spoke out against President Trump, campaigning in favor of lobbying United States Senators to support the LGBTQ...
Opinion| Fox News host Sean Hannity had Judicial Watch founder and President Tom Fitton as a guest on Monday evening, joined by investigative reporter...
Opinion| Constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz was so disgusted by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s nine minute statement this morning that he immediately sent...
Opinion – Over the last twenty-four hours at least four Spygate conspirators have signaled how desperate they view their situation: -Christopher Steele, the former...
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