Search results for "cnn"

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  John Kerry has turned out to be a real gem of a diplomat … for Iran. Remember that many of the...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  Any rational person who watched the way the totalitarians, err Democrats, ran the House impeachment inquiry, suspected that this whole thing...

US News

We have just learned that hours before the attacks on our troops at military bases in Iraq, we were warned about the incoming attacks...

Radical Islam

On December 6th, Mohammed Alshamrani, a second lieutenant in the Saudi Air Force, killed three people and injured eight others before being killed himself....

Government Corruption

After the attack on Soleimani, many Democrats complained that they were not informed beforehand. But you really can’t fault the president. As he said,...

US News

After CNN settled the lawsuit filed against them by Nick Sandmann, it makes it harder for future defendants to win their upcoming defamation cases...

US News

For the latest in Iranian propaganda make sure you watch PMSDNC MSNBC. On Tuesday night, MSNBC reported from the Iranian propaganda that they killed...


OPINION| Mark Sidney|  Let me preface this opinion piece with the fact that this photo, which was posted to Twitter by a verified user,...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  As if it was not enough that America’s Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is, IMHO, handcuffing President Trump’s ability to...


Democrats are saying that the killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, who has been declared a terrorist by the United States, was done...

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