Search results for "cnn"

Cover Ups

By Duncan Smith (TNS) Do Democrats really stand for anything anymore except power? Don’t worry about answering that; it was a rhetorical question. Of course,...

US Politics

THIS IS NOW OUR REALITY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN … If Joe Biden is sworn in as President of the United States of America it...

US News

If there is a single person that I trust whose face appears on cable news, or the TV at all for that matter, it...


I have heard a lot of talk about who could replace Trump on the Republican ticket should Donald Trump decide not to run in...

US Politics

ICYMI – 10-19-2-| Move over Hunt*r Biden, there is an even bigger jerk *** in town, and yes, of course, he is  a big...

US Politics

If there is one thing to be said for socialists, it is that they are very generous … with YOUR MONEY. For illustration of...

US Politics

I’m sure you are well aware that something did not smell right when it came to the events of January 6th at the Capitol....

US Politics

ICYMI| Just when you thought that AOC was coming into her own and never breaking character as the informed, economist, political scientist and intellectual...

US Politics

There has always been a ton of suspicion surrounding the motivations and loyalties of General Kelly. It is clear that President Trump has tremendous...

US Politics

If you are on Facebook, Twitter or Youtube and you think that you are going to ever be able to express a political opinion...

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