Search results for "nancy pelosi"

Government Corruption

I will be the first to admit it … I am a complete and total idiot for not seeing how perfect an opportunity Trump’s...

Liberal Derangement

Kyrsten Sinema has blasted Nancy Pelosi for failing to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill. But it’s not Pelosi’s fault. The Speaker of the...

Cover Ups

ICYMI- Since that fateful day, there has been a growing number of questions surrounding the events of January 6at the Capitol, and getting more...

Government Corruption

In a letter to Democrats on Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the coming week will be a “time of intensity,” as party...

US Politics

On Thursday, we reported about an unconstitutional move by the Capitol Police to expand beyond the Capitol to open up field offices around the...


As soon as we saw the media and leftist reaction to the January 6th debacle and how their totalitarian response was 100% ready to...

Liberal Derangement

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi issued a statement on Thursday that she ordered the Capitol Police to arrest staff and visitors not wearing...

US Politics

ICYMI … The CCP is embarrassing embedded (pun intended) within the most sensitive areas of our government and the Dems not only know, they...

Cover Ups

Everyone has stopped talking about this story … we need to expose the set up that was January 6th and ensure the TRUTH comes...


Perhaps President Trump’s biggest mistake in terms of failing to war-game the likely counter moves of his opposition happened on, and leading up to...

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