Search results for "nancy pelosi"

Government Corruption

The Democrat-led House has come up with some new ideas to spend their time in Washington DC aggressively pursuing President Donald J. Trump, his...

US Politics

Just like when Adolph Hitler decided to go all in on his takeover of Germany and staged a terror attack to blame on his...

Government Corruption

Do you ever wonder how members of Congress, especially those in ‘leadership’ positions always seem to leave Congress with millions of dollars even though...


For a variety of reasons, Nancy Pelosi’s House majority is on shaky ground. Because of redistricting and the new census, the Republicans are expected...

US Politics

Nancy Pelosi is trying to add a tax break for rich Democrats in the infrastructure bill. She wants to restore the SALT deduction. (State...

US News

The Democrats have been uncloaked for so long in their hatred for America and her founding principles that it’s not even shocking to read...

Government Corruption

Justin case you needed more connections between the Biden regime/Democrat Party and their Marxists comrades in the CCP .. look who Pelosi tapped to...

Liberal Derangement

In her weekly press conference, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House rejected Jerry Nadler’s bill to pack the Supreme Court with four ultra-liberal justices...

Illegal Immigration

Nancy Pelosi will do anything to protect MS-13 gang members whom she says has a spark of divinity inside of them. Maybe so. They...

Illegal Immigration

OK, this is the only video you ever have to watch to understand Nancy Pelosi. As I see it, there are a few possibilities...

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