Search results for "cnn"

US Politics

Rich Welsh| CNN‘s problems just keep piling up. That’s what happens when you hire a bunch of people you call news anchors when they...

Mainstream Media Lies

ICYMI| I understand that the Democrat Party stood for different things at different points in history. Yes, it has always been chasing a failed...

US Politics

The more I learn about the Democrat Party, the more and more it feels like a political La Cosa Nostra. Hell, it’s not just...

US Politics

Rich Welsh| CNN President Jeff Zucker resigned Wednesday after revealing he failed to disclose what he called a “consensual relationship with my closest colleague”...

US Politics

Rich Welsh| The battle of back and forth between CNN and top podcaster Joe Rogan returned this week, where Rogan set a reckoning off...

US Politics

Rich Welsh| The new year was looking great for the Fox News Channel that came in as the #1 basic cable network from January...


BY CHRIS “BADGER” GAGE AND DINO PORRAZZO at AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS– We will start off by saying that CNN’s BITCH DON LEMON is a complete imposter. We’ll...

US Politics

CNN announced late Saturday afternoon the cable network has fired host Chris Cuomo immediately, costing the outlet dozens of viewers. This follows an investigation...

US Politics

Chris Cuomo, brother of serial groper Andrew Cuomo has been suspended by CNN indefinitely. The suspension came not because he used his position at...

Liberal Derangement

CNN published a list of alleged hate groups compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is a far-left hate group that calls...

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