Search results for "cnn"

Mainstream Media Lies

I know we keep repeating this but it becomes more true each day … PROJECTION is the key to understanding sociopaths, and thus the...

US News

Just when you thought the talking Marxist heads on CNN could not be any more overtly in support of purges of Trump supporters and...

Mainstream Media Lies

Two teenagers are being charged with murder in the death of a Pakistani Uber Eats driver after they tased him, hijacked his car, and...

US Politics

Even the left can agree with us on one thing: Donald Trump single handedly saved CNN’s ass from creating ratings during his presidency.  Without...

US Politics

This article is syndicated with permission from our friends at America’s Freedom Fighters.  While we here at the Beltway Report do not know exactly...

US Politics

In case you missed it … here we are. When we first said that the removal of statues, often by rabid mobs, with the...

Liberal Derangement

If you are a fan of Seinfeld, you may remember the episode where George Constanza told Jerry that it isn’t a lie if you...

US Politics

Every morning I thank God I live in the greatest nation on Earth. I, like you, am able to make decisions on what to...

US Politics

ICYMI| Of all the absurd things that I have heard in my nearly 40 years, the idea that the Clinton News Network, (you may...

US Politics

Fake news network CNN is about to be in a world of serious hurt. The network, also known as the “Clinton News Network,” or...

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