Search results for "nancy pelosi"


It looks like the wheels are falling off the wagon! Syndicated Via National File| ALICIA POWE| Opinion| Thirty-one House Democrats face losing their seats...


Already, two House Democrats have come out against the House’s biased and partisan leadership concerning the impeachment process, but the entire push sits in...


Opinion| Mark Sidney|  It would not be an election cycle without America’s number one political animal rearing her head. That’s right, HRC, the queen...

Cover Ups

A group of moderate House Democrats, who won their seats in districts President Trump won in 2016, are trying to float the idea of...

Liberal Derangement

The Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are hinting that they plan to charge President Trump for treason. They are desperate and they know...

US Politics

In the Party of Pelosi, you won’t find many House Democrats who will go against the Borg collective and come out against impeachment, but...


Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler want to impeach President Trump ostensibly because he did not give a country known for it;s massive...

Personal Safety

Opinion| Lawrence David| Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich understands politics as well as anyone alive.  Gingrich was the architect of the stunning...


Opinion| Mark Sidney|  Followers of our blog likely already know how we feel about Democratic Representative from California, Adam Schiff. In my view, Schiff...


Opinion| Lawrence David| In a city where political dirty tricks have become the coin of the realm, attempting to create a predicate to justify...

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