Search results for "nancy pelosi"


Opinion| Mark Sidney| This is likely not going to come as a surprise to any of our regular readers. There were three RINO’s who...


OPINION – U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), one of three House committee chairmen chosen to find a basis to justify Democrats’ craven attempt to...

Cover Ups

OPINION  of Elder Patriot – On Wednesday, Ukraine MP Andriy Derkach, citing evidence related to an investigation, revealed that former Vice President Joe Biden...


Opinion – Mark Sidney – Many of you reading this are going to be elated this morning, as it would appear that Trey Gowdy...

Government Corruption

This Article Contains Conservative Bias and Is Not An Objective News Article – By Elder Patriot – In late October of 2016, then-candidate Donald...


Opinion| Be forewarned, the effort to discredit and remove President Trump is something that’s not likely to stop anytime soon.  Senate Minority Leader Chuck...

Donald Trump

Opinion| It’s hard to know if the level of irreverence Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats are showing towards the...


The cast of characters involved in the attempt to impeach President Trump over enlisting Ukrainian help in probing Joe Biden certainly have a lot...

Government Corruption

One Last Piece Of Speculation, Analysis and, Of Course, OPINION Tonight From Elder Patriot – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to be hoping going...

Barack Obama

Analysis – Opinion – Speculation By Elder Patriot [This is EP’s OPINION & ANALYSIS Not An “Unbiased News Article”] -How much longer the mainstream...

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