Since 2009, I have attended the Conservative Political Action Conference as a reporter. I’ve witnessed the early attacks against President Barack Obama and the...
Sonia Sotomayor, a liberal justice, and Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative justice both encouraged the nation’s Governors to emulate the Supreme Court collegiality on...
In the Ethiopian village Merawi, soldiers killed civilians during raids on homes, then dumped their corpses on the street. Government soldiers carried out door-to-door...
The Supreme Court’s ruling on these transparency provisions is likely to have significant implications for online speech, and the technology industry at large. This...
Wayne LaPierre, the former National Rifle Association head, was ordered to pay over $4 million in restitution for mismanaging charity funds. He led this...
According to the Mississippi Governor, two National Guardsmen died after their helicopter crashed while on a training flight in Mississippi. Tate Reeves. Reeves wrote...
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