Search results for "cnn"

Government Corruption

If you were to turn on the TV and tune into CNN, MSNBC or any other left wing network you would think that holding...

US Politics

If you think that the media can just get away with spewing all their racial division and hate without consequence, you would be sorely...

National File

Syndicated Via National File| JACK HADFIELD| Six Republican senators voted with Democrats to create a 9/11-style commission to investigate the events and civil unrest...

Cover Ups

Syndicated Via National File| GABRIEL KEANE The Fulton County Board of Registration & Elections has hired two defense attorneys from a highly prestigious legal...

Cover Ups

He is no longer in office but once again he has been proven right and he has left Democrats and the media with mud...

Donald Trump

Just when you thought it could not be more obvious that the Biden regime is being run by the CCP, something like this happens...


The people in Washington and ‘Academia’ think you are too stupid to make your own decisions.  These people have no interest in freedom, all...

Government Corruption

ICYMI| Whose side are the Democrats on anyway? Since Biden took over we have done favors for China, Russia, Iran, and illegal aliens. Now...

Government Corruption

Former FBI Director James Comey’s statement exonerating Hillary Clinton: With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence...

Illegal Immigration

We first published this article on March 1st, weeks before Biden’s border crisis EXPLODED.  These insider Dems were 100% right in their warning about...

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