Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US Politics

If there is one trait that politicians, and especially Nancy Pelosi has in spades, it’s hypocrisy. Could you imagine being 80 years old, having...

US Politics

On Saturday, the Senate voted to approve witnesses in the impeachment trial even after they had agreed to no witnesses. But that is just...

US News

Just when you thought the Democrats could not be more out of touch with the American people, they are doubling down on their show...


If you thought that there was a more power hungry, petty, self obsessed and classless person than Nancy Pelosi in this country, never mind...


While Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party fortify the Capitol with barriers and armed troops in the thousands, as if they are preparing to...

Cover Ups

I think everyone in the nation knows that there is SOMETHING about the official story that just does not add up when it comes...

US Politics

Thomas Jefferson once said something along the lines of ‘when the people fear their government there is tyranny, when the government fears its’ people...

Cover Ups

Are you ready for a tale that will make you lose sleep at night (lol)?  It involves evil conservative mobs, Russian spy agencies, breaking...

US Politics

There could not be a more poetic or ironic set of events to occur in the trial to impeach Trump for seeking an audit...

US Politics

SHE HAD THIS PLANNED ALL ALONG! Opinion|  It is no secret that President Donald Trump and the Speaker of The House of Representatives, California’s,...

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