Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US News

I think we all knew the REAL reason that Pelosi and the establishment are so concerned with impeaching Trump.  It has nothing to do...

US News

If you thought that 2020 was the year of ‘the quickening’ your head must be spinning in 2021. We are only one week into...


Come one guys, who does not want an 80 year old megalomaniacal, alcohol loving, filthy rich, hardly able to speak tyrant ruling over the...


Opinion|  It is no secret that President Donald Trump and the Speaker of The House of Representatives, California’s, Nancy Pelosi, are not fans of...

Donald Trump

Opinion| President Donald Trump schooled the reportedly “brilliant” Democratic leadership yesterday… House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer… on how politics...

US Politics

In a bizarre statement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described police chokeholds as “a lynching,” saying she’s confident Republican lawmakers will comply with a ban...

Government Corruption

Rep Guy Reschenthaler appeared on  Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, to discuss money that was funneled through a New York...

Government Corruption

Nancy Pelosi is now exploring another incredibly stupid idea. Although she did not directly endorse the measure, she says we should look at a...


Opinion| How does that old joke go again? Oh yeah … How do you know Nancy Pelosi is lying? Her lips are moving. Do...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  I know this may come as a shock to you, in fact I know that it make just shatter your world...

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