Search results for "nancy pelosi"


On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi finally made the announcement that she has chosen seven lawmakers to serve as impeachment managers to prosecute the...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  Any rational person who watched the way the totalitarians, err Democrats, ran the House impeachment inquiry, suspected that this whole thing...

Government Corruption

Lawrence David| Rudy Giuliani has authored an op-ed that makes too much sense for the anti-Trump media to address/refute.  So they have ignored it.  ...


A lot of ignorant so-called legal analysts in the Fake News media have gotten it wrong about Pelosi’s withholding of the articles of impeachment. ...


Well, it’s about time!  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced on Friday that she will take steps next week to send the two...

US Politics

Representative Bradley Byrne is preparing a resolution calling for the censuring of Nancy Pelosi for obstruction for refusing to turn over the impeachment articles...

Government Corruption

OPINION| Lawrence David| The American war industry and the political actors elected to guarantee its future funding are upside down over President Trump’s “economic...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  Ok, this is a bridge too far. The Speaker of The House has clearly gone rogue. She is either drunk with...


OPINION| Mark Sidney|  Let me preface this opinion piece with the fact that this photo, which was posted to Twitter by a verified user,...

US News

President Trump loves to torment the Democrats in congress…And since they all suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome anyway, it’s getting easier and easier to...

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