Search results for "cnn"

US Politics

The FBI ambushed Trump’s election lawyer as he was leaving a restaurant with his wife and a friend. They forced him to hand over...

US Politics

Rich Welsh| Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) – a.k.a. Low IQ Maxine – joined the litany of screaming Democrats and Politically Correct Death Squad activists...

US Politics

Eric Greiten’s new ad is offensive to Democrats and RINOs because there is not a nickel’s worth of difference between the two. This is...

Mainstream Media Lies

Fox News was losing favor with Conservatives and Populists known as the MAGA crowd for quite some time, but ever since November with the...

US Politics

Rich Welsh| During Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” former Treasury Secretary Larry Summerssaid that “banana Republicans” and the events of January...

US Politics

Eat your heart out Stalin. The Biden administration seems to have no qualms about using the power of the state against their political opponents....

US Politics

Michael Avenatti, who gives a whole new meaning to the term “criminal lawyer” has been given a prison sentence of four years for ripping...

US Politics

ERICA CARLIN| Politicians are always going to find the angle, aren’t they? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used a school shooting to point fingers at conservatives claiming that...

US Politics

There has been a lot written about the mass shooting in Buffalo. It was a terrible tragedy, not just because ten people were left...

US Politics

Erica Carlin|  Senator Rand Paul vows to stand between Americans and Biden’s Ministry of Truth called ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ by Democrats. Paul finally snapped...

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