Search results for "cnn"


Dr. Leana Wen, previously the president of Planned Parenthood, describes cloth face masks as “little more than facial decorations” and says the U.S. should require...

US Politics

It must be very frustrating for CNN. It seems that they just lie about people anymore without getting sued. Covington youth Nicholas Sandmann took...

US News

On Friday, Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann took to social media to announce that he settled a defamation lawsuit against NBC. The...

US Politics

For years now Chris Wallace has been loathed by conservatives. Once the proud face of America’s only right of center (and most successful) news...

Liberal Derangement

ICYMI| Just when you thought that Joe Biden could not embarrass the United States any further at the G7 … check out this clip....

US Politics

ICYMI … Level headed Democrats are turning their heads on the Democrat Party! Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) kept it real this week and...

US Politics

Rich Welsh| As the rest of us are getting ready for the most expensive Christmas season of our lives, criminal elitists like Hillary Clinton...

US Politics

During an interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, Kyle Rittenhouse said that he has plans to hold the media outlets who told falsehoods about his...

US Politics

100 Percent Fed Up – Today, for a brief period of time, Joe Biden will transfer power to Kamala Harris. CNN’s Kaitlin Collins explains:...

Liberal Derangement

There is one good thing you can say about AOC and if I ever find out what it is, I will tell you. But...

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