Search results for "cnn"


In the spring of 2020 war was declared against police all across the nation. Lining up against them were Democratic politicians, BLM, Hollywood, The...

US Politics

A shocking revelation is happening in the United States as the corruption of the US Government is being exposed at a very scary level...


When a society is lawless and has no morals, traditions, standards, and ethics, or mind for safety- it becomes permissible for individuals with “dark...

US News

I know you remember this from last year. One Black girl was going to kill another Black girl and a police officer shot the...


ICYMI| The Marxists are on the march in America and it is no wonder why so many people are rushing out to buy guns...

US Politics

It appears that North America has discovered what strikes the most fear into the heart of the establishment … unvaccinated truckers who are willing...

Donald Trump

ICYMI| Of all the people that I was lucky enough to meet while participating in the MAGA movement, Logan Cook (Carpe Donktom) was one...

US Politics

Don’t you just love when your global representatives can’t remember the names of allied countries? With Ukraine taking up most of the news coverage...

US Politics

In Afghanistan, the country put its faith in Joe Biden and the United States. Ukraine is too smart for that. They are depending on...

US Politics

It’s no secret that Kid Rock, whose legal name is Robert James Ritchie, is not your average artist. For one the man is a...

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