Search results for "cnn"

Government Corruption

One need look no further than the puppet in the White House to realize that America is on the verge of implosion. The CCP...

Government Corruption

Syndicated Via National File| ANDREW WHITE| The globalist elite are calling for the “equivalent of a coronavirus-pandemic-scale lockdown once every two years” to tackle...

Cover Ups

Law enforcement agencies in the Biden administration continue to suppress over 14,000 hours of video footage from the US Capitol on January 6 from...

Government Corruption

I’ve written about this subject extensively by now and it’s finally starting to get some traction. Evidence now exists that more than 10,300 illegal...

Donald Trump

Syndicated Via National File| TOM PAPPERT| President Donald Trump wished Michael Avenatti, who was permanently branded the “Creepy Porn Lawyer” during an appearance on...

US Politics

Before the gaslighting fraudsters (you may know them as ‘fact checkers’) get their panties in a bunch, let me be clear in saying that...

Donald Trump

Syndicated Via National File| PATRICK HOWLEY| Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to...

Government Corruption

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy held a closed-door meeting for Republicans in the House. He told members if they accepted an invitation from Nancy...

Donald Trump

A Manhattan grand jury has reportedly filed criminal indictments against the Trump Organization and its Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Allen Weisselberg. Manhattan Democrat District Attorney...

Government Corruption

Actually the number of goals is not as important as who has accomplished those goals and what ones are complete. The 1958 book by...

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